
Seite 2

Systematic: The family Helodermatidae have two speices. The Heloderma suspectum (can reach up to  60 cm long) and Heloderma horridum horridum (can reach up to 100 cm )
Range: The Heloderma suspectum lives in the aera from SW-Nevada to NW-Mexiko. The Heloderma suspectum lives in Westmexiko and in the Motagua valley in Guatemala.                                                                                                Markings: A thick, plumb body, the head is wide and flat. The eye and ear openings are small, the tongue is split, and they have fat round tails. There legs are short and strong with sharp claws. The scales are rounded, raised and have a beadwork like appearance. They are the only poisonous lizards. they have two poison sacs in there lower jaw. Bright warning colors on the Heloderma suspectum  are black with pink and yellow spots or stripes. The Heloderma horridum are just black. Depending on wich underspeices, will have more less yellow spots
Habitat: Heloderma suspectum lives in the more dry desert and rocky areas with scrub or bushes. The Heloderma horridum live in the tropical dry woodlands of Westmexiko and in the tropical Montagua Valley of Guatemala and make there homes in the Rootwork of trees and bushes. In the spring they are day active and the summer night active. They can store Energie for whole year with 4-5 large meals. They lay eggs in holes that they dig themselves. In the Wild the eggs hatch the next spring, they lay 5-18 eggs. In captivity the eggs from the  Heloderma suspectum 155 days from the Heloderma horridum  it takes over 190 days.

The difference between male and female can be seen on the head a neck. By fully Grown lizards it is easyer as by young lizards

By this male Heloderma horridum exasperatum you can see the split tongue.  Vary much like a snake useing the “jakobsche Organ” he tastes smells, that in turn, lead him to food . Eventhough the Heloderma horridum is larger as the Heloderma suspectum, the “Beadwork” scales are smaller.